Les vôs dai Furlans sparniçâts ator pal mont

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Migrants Furlans II, al non dal puest.

Come nie, e scuasit in contemporanee Christian e Done Bete mi an dade une rispueste.

Christian Romanini, che mi a spiât :

" cheste foto tu le âs fate denant dal Municipi di Trep Grant. La statue e je stade fate di Franco Maschio che le à dedicade ai migrants.
Il comun di Trep, tai ultins agns al à fat une vore di iniziativis a pro de emigrazion e cheste e je tra chês iniziativis

Il sît dal comun di trep:

Il sît di Franco Maschio (che al è di Maian, il gno comun)

Ve chi la statue che tu âs fotografât ancje tu

Chest il sît personâl al sindic di Trep"

E Done Bete mi a ancje dât chest link le che si pues lei ducj i particolârs su cheste opare.

Grazionis a Christian e Done Bete !


Kevin said...

Excellent! Thanks for the information.

Kevin said...

I have just explored some of Franco Maschio's work and I am very impressed. He is an amazing artist.

Ivano Franco Comelli said...

Hei Norman: Is the guy wiping the sweat off his brow, or is he crying because he is leaving Friuli? Very nice. Mind if I 'borrow' the photo for a future article on my 'blagga'?
BTW: I am glad you enjoyed Gino's Itanglish Dictionary' I invite your 'blaggatori' to go to:
www.nostra-costa.blogspot.com to view this article by Gino Campioni.
The article is archived with other May 2007 articles, or you can simply type in the words Itanglish Dictionary in the search space provided at the top of the 'Blagga". Keep up the good work. Fellow 'Blaggatori"... Sempre Avant. ivano

Furlans de diaspore said...


You can go ahead and use it. To me it looked like he was wiping his tears...

Anonymous said...

Thanks Norman. BTW: Gino's Itanglish Dictionary is archived under March 2007, not May. ivn0