In te primevere dal 2003 propite cun che l' esercit merecan al pasave al confin Kuwait-Iraq su le vie di Bagdad al rest de Americhe e leve in vuere cun le France come al capite di solit almancul un dôs voltis ogni secul . Le situazion e jere cusi grivie che fûr di un ristorant francês une volte o ai viodût picjât un cartel cal diseve che i parons dal ambient e jerin Merecans e braurôs de lôr patrie. Le feroce vuere cuintri de Galie no dome si e fermade ai interès economics ma ancje cuintri espressions che di agnorums e fasevin riferiment ale France e a i Francês. Cusi invezit di "French Fries" e "French Toast" in cierts ristorants e te cafetarie dal Congrès si e' tacât viodi "Freedom Fries" e "Freedom Toasts" .
Cinc agns plui tart nol reste che al ricuart de polemiche trans-atlantiche, le France e un gnûf president e lis cartufulis fritis e son tornadis a clamâsi "French Fries".
My wife is French, so this was especially disturbing. As an American, I must say that Americans can really push the limit on being idiots to whole new levels.
French fries? How is that possible if french people call belgians: Potatos because they invented the fried potatos pan?
By the way, if after 5 months belgians are still without government, it can be that the french side, will join France soon, so, there will be no jokes anymore between french an belgians like this one:
When a french is visiting Belgium is very funny to say to him some compliments about his country and for example to say that La cuisine française est la meilleure.
Then to leave him a little to enjoy before to add: In Belgium:-)
ufe, parcé da te, ogni vôlte ch'o ai di lasâ un mesagjio o ai un codice da copiâ? S'al fos di copîa dome une vôlte al podarès pasâ ma dôs vôltis al é masse. Statu in Svuizare o in Americhe?
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