Les vôs dai Furlans sparniçâts ator pal mont

Friday, October 19, 2007

Le fieste de patrie in Tennessee ?

Cjale un poc ce che mi e' capitât,

Sgarfant su Internet o ai cjatât une famee che fas fieste al 3 di Avrîl ( Fieste de Patrie ).
Le robe plui strambe al e' stat scuvierzi dulà che son... un puest le che no mi lu sarês mai imagjinât: in Tennessee !
Kevin, al e' un Merecan di tierce ( mi par ) gjenerazion, ma no si e' smenteât di dulà che i soi antenâts e vegnin.

Une biele sorprese !


Kevin said...


Let me first apologize for not writing in Furlan or Italian. Like many third (or even second) generation immigrants, my great grandparents did not encourage the family to keep the language alive. In fact, they had to hide the fact that they were Italians to try to get work in this country. My family changed its name from Bertoia (or Bertoja) to Bartoy. You could not get less Italian with a surname. But, still, the only work that my great grandfather found was in the coal mines. Ten hours in the mines and six hours farming to feed the family every day!

I wanted to thank you for the post and the link to my blog. I hope that it will bring comments from other Furlans in Tennessee. Perhaps my house will not be the only one celebrating April 3 next year.

Thanks again and I love your blog!

In Frico We Trust!

Christian Romanini said...

Ben po, cheste e je propit biele!
Thanks Norman and thanks Kevin!

Furlans de diaspore said...


This is a blog where you can comment in any language you feel comfortable with.

I did some reading in the past few months on the topic. ( Italian-American history )
Some of those congressional reports dating back to the early '900s were not a pleasant read.

Thank you again,

p.s. "In Frico we trust" is a cool slogan.

Kevin said...

Norman-- Thanks for the encouragement. And, I will continue to comment. Reading your blog is definitely helping me to learn Furlan.

And, yes, the oppression that my family and thousands of other Italians faced when coming to this country was unbelievable. I always remember the history of my family when I hear politicians and pundits talking about "immigration problems." I don't think that we have come very far in this country. It seems that folks just hate whichever group is the most different and the most recent newcomer.

That's why it is so important that we remember this history.

Kevin said...

A thought for the day:

Quan ch'o jevi
la matine,
ciali ator:
... il mont ... il plan ...
Une vos
tal cur mi dis:
Sta content,
tu ses Furlan!

Anonymous said...

Hello to all Furlans in the USA. I am a second generation Canadian Furlan. My parent immigrated from Friuli, Udine in 1952. I had the great pleasure of living there in the late 60's when I was 12yrs old. I am also the secretary of the Fogolar Furlan Club in Niagara. We have about 300 members. Unfortunately not all active since most of them are well into their late 70's early 80's. My parents are still with us... my Father is 84 and Mom is 80. Still doing well and still maintaing all the Furlan Traditions.

Take care

Ciao e Mandi


Unknown said...

Ben po, ce plasê di cjatâ int che a un acènt furlan cuant ch' cjacare forest:-) I would want to let you hear my one too. I'm not really living along that river but the accent is the same:-)
Hi furlans!
...Nice one the one about frico:-)
Why not to go on,
In frico we trust
In frice we guess:-)

Anonymous said...

Hello! Bondi! buon giorno!
Sono francesa, je suis française, I'm french, mio padre e venuto da Campone vicino maniago in 1955 in Francia. sono moloe volte andata in friul dove una parta delle mia famiglia viva ancora. My father came to France in 1955 and was arriving from Campone next maniago. I went many times in friul where a part of my family lives yet. I am writinf the boof of his life and I dedicate it to all friulans of the world! Scrivo adesso il libro della sua vita. alora saluti a tutti i friulani dell' mondo. Sorry for my mistakes in english or in italiano.

Anonymous said...

je suis arrivé en France à l'age de 15 ans,emigré comme le furent mes grand père,père et oncles qui y étaient venus en 1925.
j'ai connu moi aussi le problème du racisme mais je me suis intégré totalement aux habitudes de ma nouvelle patrie.Je vis sur la côte d'azur près de St Tropez.une partie de ma famille vivant encore dans le frioul (Campone) j'ai l'occasion de m'y rendre chaque année.Viva il Frioul!